
UCL Open: Environment Call for Papers: Special Series on Water and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Posted on August 25, 2022 by Alison Fox

To mark World Water Week, UCL Open:Environment has opened a call for papers concerned with the theme of Water and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Submissions are open until the end of 2023.

Water is one of the Earth’s most distinguishing features. It is essential to life. It is a fundamental part of our society and economy. We need it to drink, to supply food from land and sea, and support businesses of many kinds. We need water to help make things and to help deal with waste. And we need water for our environment. In our world there are tensions between all these different uses of water that are not always being addressed. Water shortages could be made worse with our changing climate leading to more frequent or even more severe droughts. Likewise, flooding could become worse because of increased periods of intense rainfall or because a combination of factors to which sea-level rise (driven by ocean expansion and polar melt) will add makes coastal erosion and flooding that much more of an issue.

So how do we move on from the position we have now where some people and environments are facing water scarcity and others, periodically, facing floods, some of which are devastating; a position where others lack the water or the systems they need to ensure sanitation standards are high enough to avoid disease; and a position where there is no agreed way to balance the competing demands for water other than by perhaps sometimes attempting to trade-off between competing needs.

Submission is open to anyone and submissions may be research articles directly concerned with one or a combination of the SDGs relevant to the uses of water interaction or form a nexi with those Environment focused SDGs that in a sense host the sources of water on the planet (SDGs 6, 13, 14 and 15). Submissions covering an examination of progress on all these SDGs viewed from the perspective of the global water cycle and whether the indicators and targets and evidence available to us all /deliver a more balanced view of water and how it might be best managed in future, are also welcomed for submission.


If you would like to contribute to the evidence on this open debate please send in your submissions for publication as soon as you wish (here). Submission deadline is December 2023. The series will focus on SDGs 6, 13, 14 and 15 but submissions on other SDGs are also welcome if they address a water topic.

For more information or to enquire about submission, please contact the Editors at

Authors should read through the journals author guidelines and publishing policies before submitting. Once you are ready to submit, please ensure that you have signed into MyScienceOpen with your ORCID ID.

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UCL Press offers waivers and discounts for Article-Processing Charges (APCs) including for articles whose corresponding authors are based in low-income countries (see here for more information). Authors are requested to contact the Editorial office ( prior to submission to enquire and request these discounts. Please note that authors ability to pay any charges regarding to publication are kept separate to editorial review and Editors are not responsible for determining these waivers and discounts.

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